Beyond my primary activities as artist, I also have been doing research in phenomenology related to immersive media, virtual reality, multi-modal interfaces, and investigation of new creative strategies towards blending state of art technology with traditional art genres.
Research activities
- 2024.1-2024.12: Aalto University, Finland
Visiting Researcher - 2008.10-2010.06: Liepaja University, Latvia
Researcher at the MPLAB (Art Research Lab), Media Art Dept. (3D environments, VR/AR) - 2006.08 – 2008.02: Institute for Media and Imaging Technology,
Cologne University of Applied Sciences, Germany
Researcher at EU-IST7 funded consortium LIVE (interactive, live-TV platform development) - 2001.09-2002.06: Academy of Media Arts, Cologne, Germany
Student research assistant (Studentische Hilfskraft) to Prof. Frans Vogelaar, Media Design dept. - 1996.10-1997.11: Ericsson MediaLab Stockholm, Sweden
Student-researcher within project Future TV, with Ericsson/Ellemtel project team
- Garancs, J. Sensoriums for the ephemeral – gamification of values’ (Short Paper). Proceedings of the ISEA 2023 Paris
- Garancs, J. ‘Ephemeral value mappings – staging feedback loops between algorithms and emotion in online trading as an immersive multimedia experience’ (Poster). Proceedings of the ISEA 2022 Barcelona
- Garancs, J. ‘In Flow Between Fascination, Awe, Despair and Trance: Algorithmically controlled live online trading experience’. Proceedings of the 2020 EVA London 2020 conference (EVA-London 2020)
- Garancs, J. 2016 ‘Vivisecting’ tempo-spatial semantics in immersive environments and hybrid events: few methodologies for ’3D VJs’ and ’VR conductors’’. Proceedings of the 2016 International Conference on Live Interfaces (ICLI 2016)
- Garancs, J. 2011 ‘AVI4D toolset for immersive, audiovisual etudes and VJ-ing in 3D’ (poster), Proceedings of Annual International Conference ‘Virtual and Augmented Reality in education’ (VARE 2011)
- Garancs, Wages, Gruenvogel 2006, ‘Methods, Design Guidelines and Workflows for Online Staging’, EU Information Society Technologies – FP6-27312, Report D4.3, EU-IST Project ‘Live’
- Garancs, J. ‘Audiovisual ‘surgery on space’: series of VR environments for tempo-spatial exploration and artificial synaesthesia”, Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Virtual Systems and Multimedia (VSMM2004)