
Invited lecturing, presentations, workshops

Selected presentations in international  profile events and venues:

  • ISEA 2023 / Paris (short paper presentation)
  • ISEA 2022 / Barcelona (poster presentation)
  • International Conference on Artistic Research: Various Fields, Approaches, Experiences [2021] Latvian Academy of Music, Riga (presentation)
  • Open Fields 2021: PostSENSORIUM The 6th Open Fields conference / RIXC, Riga + online  (presentation)
  • ENN6 Conference (2021): ‘Gaslight’ Narratives In Virtual Landscapes: Narratological Implications Of Technologically Mediated And Immersive Media (presentation)
  • EVA-LONDON 2020 – The 30th international Electronic Visualisation & the Arts conference, London, U.K. [2020] (presentation)
  • “Virtualities and realities” / RIXC Art Science Festival and the 2nd Open Fields conference, Latvian Art Academy, Riga / Latvia [2017] (presentation)
  • 4th Transatlantic Dialogue Conference, University of Luxembourg, Campus Belval – Esch-sur-Alzette [2017] (presentation, discussion panel)
  • RENEW: The 5th International Conference on the Histories of Media Art, Science and Technology, Riga / Latvia [2013] (presentation)
  • “Open Fields” – RIXC art and science festival, Latvian Museum of Art and Latvian Art Academy, Riga  [2012] (presentation)
  • ISEA 2011, Istanbul, Turkey  [2011] (remote presentation)
  • New Media Meeting: 2010“, Visualisation Center, Norrkoping, Sweden [2010] (presentation)
  • “Interactive Futures’09: Stereo”, Emily Carr Institute of Art+Design Vancouver, Canada [2009] (presentation)
  • Forum “European Cultural Parliament”– Liverpool  [2008]  (presentation)
  • “Spectography‘- Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris, France [2006] (presentation, discussion panel)
  • TECHNE’06“: The 1st edition of International Istanbul Digital Performance Platform , Istanbul, Turkey [2006] (presentation)
  • “Bodies in Play” Banff New Media Institute, Canada [2005] (presentation, discussion panel)
  • Interactive Multimedia Culture Expo (IMCEXPO), Chelsea Art Museum, New York, U.S.A [2005] (presentation, discussion panel)
  • Festival ‘Transmediale 05’, Haus der Kulturen der Welt [2005] (presentation, discussion panel)
  • “Pixxelpoint 2004”, 5th international digital art festival, Nova Gorica, Slovenia [2004] (presentation, discussion panel)
  • “Simulation and Other Re-enactments: Modeling the Unseen” Banff New Media Institute, Canada [2004] (presentation, discussion panel)
  • Infotopia/The Infogolem, V2_Organisation, Rotterdam, The Netherlands [2002] (presentation, discussion panel)
  • “OSLO PRESENCE”, a presentation weekend and workshop at Atelier Nord, Oslo, Norway [2000] (presentation)
  • The 4th Baltic Interface Net (BIN) Conference, Hamburg, Germany [2000] (presentation, discussion panel)
  • Transmediale’2000, Berlin, Germany [2000] (presentation)
  • European Integration by Culture Communication, Center for Media Art (ZKM), Karlsruhe, Germany [1999] (presentation)
  • Digitale’99, international digital art seminar, Cologne, Germany [1999] (presentation)
  • Art Servers Unlimited – conference and net.radio event, ICA, London, U.K. [1998] (presentation, discussion panel)
  • The 1st Baltic Interface Net (BIN) Conference, Goethe Institute Stockholm, Sweden [1998] (presentation)
  • V2_East / Media Art in Eastern Europe, DEAf’06, V2_Organisation, Rotterdam, The Netherlands [1996] (presentation, discussion panel)

Lectures or workshops at educational institutions:

  • Academy of Fine Arts /  Helsinki, Finland (presentation + workshop)
  • Bilgi University / Istanbul, Turkey (presentation + workshop)
  • Burg Giebichenstein Kunsthochschule Halle / Halle, Germany (presentation + workshop)
  • Latvian Academy of Art / Riga, Latvia (presentation)
  • Liepaja University / Liepaja, Latvia (visiting  lecturer / bachelor’s degree programme 2009-2018)
  • Muthesius Kunstochschule / Kiel, Germany (presentation)
  • Newcastle University – CultureLab / Newcastle upon Tyne, U.K. (presentation)
  • RISEBA University / Riga, Latvia (visiting  lecturer / master’s degree programme 2009-2010)
  • Stradina University / Riga, Latvia (lecture / presentation)
  • TAMK – Tampere University of Applied Sciences / Tampere, Finland (workshop series / ERASMUS lecturer programme)
  • Valmiera University / BISS – Baltic International Summer School / Valmiera, Latvia (presentation + workshop series)